Dark UI Collection
Mod Packs (List)
Created by
Kentuky 6 years ago, updated 3 years ago
Here you can find this collection on Steam Workshop: https://steamcommunity.com/workshop/filedetails/?id=1664917217
EDIT: I'm not playing Trove anymore, so probably my mods wont receive updates from now on and will be outdated. (18/10/2021
EDIT: I'm not playing Trove anymore, so probably my mods wont receive updates from now on and will be outdated. (18/10/2021
Downloading via TroveTools.NET requires having it installed
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liked this!
For some reason some of the things in the mods such has the mastery tab when hitting C or the cube with mastery wings have become blurry or a bit distorted, also with the lockbox ui and the super hot bar UI there seems to be a bit to much blue on the screen to interlay Mach with the rest of the dark ui feel