Due to the fact that VFX size doesn't change with creature's size - the flame VFX on Balephantom boss doesn't really match with what was supposed to be. It also was shifted around by 1 voxel into right side so it wasn't on centre of head. (for comparison - look here: https://trovesaurus.com/npc/delve/boss/generic/baleking_boss https://trovesaurus.com/npc/delve/boss/generic/baleking_boss_shadowseve )
In this mod these incorrections are fixed by Cr0nicl3D3str0y3r and binfabs were edited by TheStimerGames to not clip with already existing VFXs. This edit is also applied to Refracted Balephantom as well
Known issues: Sometimes instead of changed Balefire Phantom or Refracted Balephantom - you can see the original one. Happens if you relog during the battle or if you teleported to the bossroom when boss already was summoned.
Created: September 18, 2021
Submitted: September 18, 2021
Type: TMOD
Originality: Collaborative Work
Trovesaurus Views: 2,013
Downloads: 42
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