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TMOD MetadataShow
Author: Criteox
Notes: Based on ExoDave's easy to see biomes mod. Edited in the following ways: Lighting and fog changes apply to all biomes, sky changes to dragonfire peaks and elemental worlds removed so sky modding can be done
Mod FilesShow
- binfab 45+
- underwaterlighting/underwaterlighting
- zoneclouds/adventure2_islands
- zoneclouds/battle
- zoneclouds/default
- zoneclouds/dinosaur
- zoneclouds/dinosaur_canopy
- zoneclouds/dinosaur_swamp_homeworld
- zoneclouds/geode_hub
- zoneclouds/geode_vug_01
- zoneclouds/lunar
- zoneclouds/neon_subbiome
- zoneclouds/pirate
- zoneclouds/radiiant
- zoneclouds/spires
- zonelighting/abnormal
- zonelighting/battle
- zonelighting/battle_space
- zonelighting/candy
- zonelighting/cityruins
- zonelighting/default
- zonelighting/desert
- zonelighting/dinosaur
- zonelighting/dragon
- zonelighting/event_saminator
- zonelighting/fae
- zonelighting/firelands
- zonelighting/forest
- zonelighting/frost
- zonelighting/geode_hub
- zonelighting/geode_vug
- zonelighting/hub_fall
- zonelighting/hub_spring
- zonelighting/hub_summer
- zonelighting/hub_winter
- zonelighting/isletreasure
- zonelighting/lunar
- zonelighting/neon
- zonelighting/neon_subbiome
- zonelighting/normal
- zonelighting/peaceful
- zonelighting/radiant
- zonelighting/shadow
- zonelighting/shadowseve
- zonelighting/spires
- zonelighting/undead
- png 1+
- trove_ath70hmp9v-min
lighting and fog for every biome
Created: August 13, 2020
Updated: April 13, 2021
Type: TMOD
Inspired Work
Trovesaurus Views: 9,681
Downloads: 3,965
This idea or design of this mod has been inspired by something else.
Based on ExoDave's Easy to see Biomes:
Visible on TroveTools