Wahoo, I have been making content for Trove for 4+ years now. Have streamed the game for many many hours over at Twitch, also done Youtube with over 80+ guides and tutorials, anything from starting a new account and what to do, all the way up to end game. A podcast with other content creators and dev of Trove called the State of Trove. Both my Twitch, Youtube, and Discord content is to be happy, fun, and most importantly helpful, it is so important, that we help others, not only as a community but also as content creators for a great game. Community is also a bit part of the Penguins, that we are (since penguins are the most loyal animal in the world), we help each other and pulling each other up, not bring anyone down. There is only one way, that is up and we do that together.
(was going be a video make of but it keep download half of the raw video so no video time lap but here the full stream https://www.twitch.tv/videos/688220303 )

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Created: July 28, 2020
Submitted: July 28, 2020
Type: TMOD
Inspired Work
Trovesaurus Views: 1,565
Downloads: 50
This idea or design of this mod has been inspired by something else.
made part of the community dream project ally for wahootv
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