My Hair (Personal Mod) Not Submitted

[Deleted User]

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how do i make it a tmod file?


great. can you make it for short style?

@dura (xXcatgamerXx)

Yes, this mode looks like a ponytail style at the back, so I'd like you to release a version with the ponytail removed.

@dura (xXcatgamerXx)

Anyway, it's a very nice hairstyle mode, thank you for making this kind of mode.

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  • blueprint 1+
    • c_p_hair_highlights[eefiejj]

Limelight Highlights hairstyle

Info Extra information for this mod.

Created: July 17, 2020

Updated: October 2, 2020

Type: ZIP

Originality: Original Work

Trovesaurus Views: 1,868

Downloads: 52

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