Mod Packs
This mod has been included in the following mod packs.
TMOD MetadataShow
Author: SkyTheVirus
Tags: Ally
Notes: replaces the Contorting Contemplator into a enchanted torchwood
Mod FilesShow
- blueprint 11+
- c_c_floateye_basic_eye
- c_c_floateye_basic_tentacle_l_01
- c_c_floateye_basic_tentacle_l_02
- c_c_floateye_basic_tentacle_l_03
- c_c_floateye_basic_tentacle_r_01
- c_c_floateye_basic_tentacle_r_02
- c_c_floateye_basic_tentacle_r_03
- c_c_floateye_basic_tentacle_t_01
- c_c_floateye_basic_tentacle_t_02
- c_c_floateye_basic_tentacle_t_03
- c_c_floateye_basic_ui
Created: July 13, 2020
Updated: July 14, 2020
Submitted: July 14, 2020
Type: TMOD
Originality: Original Work
Trovesaurus Views: 1,598
Downloads: 16
Visible on TroveTools