Brown Tarantulla Submitted

Mod Description

Main inspiration: Cave Recluse

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Mod FilesShow

  • blueprint 19+
    • c_mt_spider_fae_abdomen
    • c_mt_spider_fae_head
    • c_mt_spider_fae_l_foot_01
    • c_mt_spider_fae_l_foot_02
    • c_mt_spider_fae_l_foot_03
    • c_mt_spider_fae_l_foot_04
    • c_mt_spider_fae_l_leg_01
    • c_mt_spider_fae_l_leg_02
    • c_mt_spider_fae_l_leg_03
    • c_mt_spider_fae_l_leg_04
    • c_mt_spider_fae_r_foot_01
    • c_mt_spider_fae_r_foot_02
    • c_mt_spider_fae_r_foot_03
    • c_mt_spider_fae_r_foot_04
    • c_mt_spider_fae_r_leg_01
    • c_mt_spider_fae_r_leg_02
    • c_mt_spider_fae_r_leg_03
    • c_mt_spider_fae_r_leg_04
    • c_mt_spider_fae_thorax

Fae Wildweaver
Because 5 years has passed and nobody didn't make a brown (default) spider as mount

Info Extra information for this mod.

Created: July 10, 2020

Submitted: July 10, 2020

Type: ZIP

Originality: Original Work

Trovesaurus Views: 1,301

Downloads: 23

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