This is an older mod with no author set, contact us if this was yours.

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plz plz reply to me i really want the demon foxmount but i dont know how to get it :( my name in trove is Chaosaraptor
install TroveTools.Net, go to the settings, scroll down to the account link key, go to your trovesaurous profile, click the show key button under In-Game, copy (ctrl + c) your key, paste (ctrl + v) your key in the box right next to the Account Link Key, then go to get more mods, and install this mod from there
This comment from three years ago is the only resource I can find about finding your account link key.
I can't find anything saying "In-Game" on my Trovesaurus profile, do you know the new way to find it?
Mod FilesShow
- blueprint 11+
- C_MT_cat_steam_foot_BL
- C_MT_cat_steam_foot_BR
- C_MT_cat_steam_foot_FL
- C_MT_cat_steam_foot_FR
- C_MT_cat_steam_head
- C_MT_cat_steam_hips
- C_MT_cat_steam_jaw
- C_MT_cat_steam_tail_01
- C_MT_cat_steam_tail_02
- C_MT_cat_steam_tail_03
- C_MT_cat_steam_torso
- pkfx 2+
- character_mount_meownt_pawPrints_01
- character_mount_meownt_steam_bodyAura_run_01
- pkml 2+
- fox_tail
- fox_tail
- pkmm 2+
- fox_tail
- fox_tail
- dds 1+
- vfx_pawPrint_fox_01
- fbx 1+
- fox_tail
- pkcf 1+
- fox_tail
Created: July 7, 2015
Type: ZIP
Original Work
Trovesaurus Views: 10,211
Downloads: 1,806
Not visible on Trove Tools
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