A small story of it.
A day before my birthday i got a letter from one unknown person who wanted me to send him a DNA of typical girl. I sent him DNA without knowing any purposes of why he or she wanted me to do it. Next day - i got a ring into my door. I opened and didn't see anyone, but i found a box with... some creatures inside (as i understood from noises). I took the box to house, closed the door, then opened the box and had a little surprise when i saw... 2 heckbug-girls? Yes, it's literally heckbug's body without mouth but with a woman's torso, head and arms with growing heckbug-horns on back and head. Their behavior is like... half-social and lightly tribal due their origins. I on the bottom of box i found a paper with those words: "Here's 2 heckbug-chans for you, man. I could send you only one, but since it's Valentine's day and your Birthday at the same time - have additional valentine-related heckbug-girl. Happy Birthday dude!". I have no idea what to do with them, but i hope that you, players, will take care of those 2 girls, because i just haven't got time for them.
P.S. There's 2 files: Valentine-related (pink) and Normal (red)
Mod FilesShow
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- c_c_spidermonkey_purple_staff
Created: February 15, 2020
Submitted: February 15, 2020
Type: ZIP
Original Work
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