Mecha Team Leader Not Submitted

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How do u do that

ahha that fortnite guy

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TMOD MetadataShow

Author: Williambash

Tags: Costume

Notes: The defender of Fortnite's island is here to defend the land of Trove, supercharged and ready for action!

Mod FilesShow

  • blueprint 25+
    • c_p_crimefighter_moonsilver_abdomen
    • c_p_crimefighter_moonsilver_arm_l
    • c_p_crimefighter_moonsilver_arm_r
    • c_p_crimefighter_moonsilver_cape_c_01
    • c_p_crimefighter_moonsilver_cape_c_02
    • c_p_crimefighter_moonsilver_cape_l_01
    • c_p_crimefighter_moonsilver_cape_l_02
    • c_p_crimefighter_moonsilver_cape_r_01
    • c_p_crimefighter_moonsilver_cape_r_02
    • c_p_crimefighter_moonsilver_chest
    • c_p_crimefighter_moonsilver_foot_l
    • c_p_crimefighter_moonsilver_foot_r
    • c_p_crimefighter_moonsilver_hand_l
    • c_p_crimefighter_moonsilver_hand_r
    • c_p_crimefighter_moonsilver_hips
    • c_p_crimefighter_moonsilver_knee_l
    • c_p_crimefighter_moonsilver_knee_r
    • c_p_crimefighter_moonsilver_shin_l
    • c_p_crimefighter_moonsilver_shin_r
    • c_p_crimefighter_moonsilver_shoulder_l
    • c_p_crimefighter_moonsilver_shoulder_r
    • c_p_crimefighter_moonsilver_thigh_l
    • c_p_crimefighter_moonsilver_thigh_r
    • equipment_helm_crimefighter_moonsilver
    • equipment_weapon_fist_crimefighter_moonsilver
  • png 1+
    • powerpoint slide show - presentation1 02_09_2019 13_11_08
Info Extra information for this mod.

Created: September 2, 2019

Type: TMOD

Originality: Inspired Work

Trovesaurus Views: 4,730

Steam Workshop Views: 512

Downloads: 170

Inspired Work

This idea or design of this mod has been inspired by something else.

The Mecha Team Leader skin from Fortnite: Battle Royale.

This mod was inspired by the Mecha Team Leader skin from Fortnite: Battle Royale.

Visible on TroveTools