This Wolf-Pup was found by the Captain of the Vanguard Action Squad and he now fights the Kami for the justice & the freedom of Luminopolis
Trove Community Supporter
Hello, My in game name is Oramist or WolfBrother13le i have been part of the trove community for a couple of years now but i have been playing Trove since it's early days. I am mostly know for being a mod for around 8-9 different trove streamers over the years. I love this game and this community so am honored to be part of this.
Content Warning

Created: July 12, 2019
Updated: December 17, 2019
Submitted: February 28, 2020
Type: TMOD
Inspired Work
Trovesaurus Views: 1,488
Downloads: 44
This idea or design of this mod has been inspired by something else.
WolfBrother13le Ider for There own ally in trove
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