Mod Accepted - This mod was accepted into the game 5 years ago

Added full model merged together named with a _ui at the end.
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TMOD MetadataShow
Author: Yamper
Tags: Ally,Candoria,Kitty,Unicorn,Cat,Horse
Notes: Replaces Haughty Kitty
Mod FilesShow
- blueprint 48+
- c_c_cat_siamese_head
- c_c_cat_siamese_head_a
- c_c_cat_siamese_head_s
- c_c_cat_siamese_head_t
- c_c_cat_siamese_hips
- c_c_cat_siamese_hips_a
- c_c_cat_siamese_hips_s
- c_c_cat_siamese_hips_t
- c_c_cat_siamese_l_front_foot
- c_c_cat_siamese_l_front_foot_a
- c_c_cat_siamese_l_front_foot_s
- c_c_cat_siamese_l_front_foot_t
- c_c_cat_siamese_l_rear_foot
- c_c_cat_siamese_l_rear_foot_a
- c_c_cat_siamese_l_rear_foot_s
- c_c_cat_siamese_l_rear_foot_t
- c_c_cat_siamese_r_front_foot
- c_c_cat_siamese_r_front_foot_a
- c_c_cat_siamese_r_front_foot_s
- c_c_cat_siamese_r_front_foot_t
- c_c_cat_siamese_r_rear_foot
- c_c_cat_siamese_r_rear_foot_a
- c_c_cat_siamese_r_rear_foot_s
- c_c_cat_siamese_r_rear_foot_t
- c_c_cat_siamese_tail_01
- c_c_cat_siamese_tail_01_a
- c_c_cat_siamese_tail_01_s
- c_c_cat_siamese_tail_01_t
- c_c_cat_siamese_tail_02
- c_c_cat_siamese_tail_02_a
- c_c_cat_siamese_tail_02_s
- c_c_cat_siamese_tail_02_t
- c_c_cat_siamese_tail_03
- c_c_cat_siamese_tail_03_a
- c_c_cat_siamese_tail_03_s
- c_c_cat_siamese_tail_03_t
- c_c_cat_siamese_tail_04
- c_c_cat_siamese_tail_04_a
- c_c_cat_siamese_tail_04_s
- c_c_cat_siamese_tail_04_t
- c_c_cat_siamese_torso
- c_c_cat_siamese_torso_a
- c_c_cat_siamese_torso_s
- c_c_cat_siamese_torso_t
- c_c_cat_siamese_ui
- c_c_cat_siamese_ui_a
- c_c_cat_siamese_ui_s
- c_c_cat_siamese_ui_t
- png 1+
- preview
Created: June 29, 2019
Submitted: July 3, 2019
Accepted: January 11, 2020
Type: TMOD
Original Work
Trovesaurus Views: 2,127
Steam Workshop Views: 202
Downloads: 71
Not visible on Trove Tools
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- Has already been accepted into game