Congratulations on your 99th mod [user=13778]!
You’ve always been the very definition of inspirational, in that you’re always motivating and encouraging others to continue with their work and pursue greater heights of creativity, and in that you’ve been my biggest source of inspiration. Not only do you support us all no matter what, but you always encourage us to make our ideas reality, even when means of completion amount to an uphill battle. I’ve always admired the complete originality and beauty in your mods, and seeing your work has always been a joy on its own, but watching your creative process when working is even more of a joy. I know I wouldn’t have continued modding when I started out if you hadn’t been so encouraging, and you’ve been the biggest contribution to the development of my style just seeing how clean and colorful your work is. I hope you never stop creating, as that’s something you’ll always have a talent for. No matter where you go or what you end up doing, I sincerely hope that you hold on to that, and always always cherish that.
All in all, you’re a fantastic designer, a beacon of creativity, and I’m so glad to call you a friend. Thank you for everything Deli!
TMOD MetadataShow
Author: TechnoShyft
Notes: Replaces Ancient Dragonling. Enjoy!
Mod FilesShow
- blueprint 16+
- c_c_goat_bombock_beard_01
- c_c_goat_bombock_ear_l
- c_c_goat_bombock_ear_r
- c_c_goat_bombock_foot_bl
- c_c_goat_bombock_foot_br
- c_c_goat_bombock_foot_fl
- c_c_goat_bombock_foot_fr
- c_c_goat_bombock_head
- c_c_goat_bombock_hips
- c_c_goat_bombock_jaw
- c_c_goat_bombock_neck
- c_c_goat_bombock_tail
- c_c_goat_bombock_tongue_01
- c_c_goat_bombock_tongue_02
- c_c_goat_bombock_torso
- c_c_goat_bombock_ui[brasse]
- binfab 2+
- collections/pet/dragon_beard
- collections/pet/dragon_beard_npc
Created: April 19, 2019
Type: TMOD
Inspired Work
Trovesaurus Views: 2,193
Downloads: 92
This idea or design of this mod has been inspired by something else.
This takes elements from the [collection=collections/skin/dinotamer_kami] and [mod=6867] models, and is primarily based off of ' banner artwork, as shown below.
Visible on TroveTools
Boats and Sails