My first mod in like a year (? two years??) oh wow
A big rideable version of the sour skate, that adorable rainbow ray that you may or may not have fished out of Candorian waters before. I had this file up and ready to upload for a long time....
This mod~ was originally part of the Aqua Attainable collab.
Thank you, old friends of Modifiers for your support on my clumsy mistakes!! ;;;;;
TMOD MetadataShow
Author: WyvernWarr
Notes: Replaces Blue Manta Ray.
Mod FilesShow
- blueprint 13+
- c_mt_carpet_rayblue_l_corner01
- c_mt_carpet_rayblue_l_corner02
- c_mt_carpet_rayblue_l_tassel01
- c_mt_carpet_rayblue_l_tassel02
- c_mt_carpet_rayblue_panel01
- c_mt_carpet_rayblue_panel02
- c_mt_carpet_rayblue_panel03
- c_mt_carpet_rayblue_panel04
- c_mt_carpet_rayblue_r_corner01
- c_mt_carpet_rayblue_r_corner02
- c_mt_carpet_rayblue_r_tassel01
- c_mt_carpet_rayblue_r_tassel02
- c_mt_carpet_rayblue_ui[friedsushi]
- png 1+
- sourskate_cover
Created: July 16, 2019
Updated: April 7, 2019
Type: TMOD
Inspired Work
Trovesaurus Views: 2,286
Downloads: 55
This idea or design of this mod has been inspired by something else.
Big boi of Sour Skate
Visible on TroveTools