Minecraft Rails.tmod
Feb 14, 2019
124.42 KB
fixed a bug that happened when my other mods was installed
Minecraft Rails.tmod
Feb 13, 2019
124.4 KB
Added the speed changer rails
Minecraft Rails.tmod
Feb 10, 2019
50.95 KB
Added :
* Ramp Rails
* Cross Rails
* Intersection Left & Right Rails
* Slow Rails
Fixes :
*Changed color on every rail to line them up
Minecraft rails V0.5.tmod
Feb 10, 2019
42.62 KB
changed color on the corner rail
Minecraft rails V0.4.tmod
Feb 10, 2019
3.06 KB
No changes listed
TMOD MetadataShow
Author: sigsus
Tags: Cosmetics
Notes: Changes Mag Rails with the Minecraft Textured Rails (Version 1.0.1*Minecart not included
Mod FilesShow
- blueprint 16+
- interactive_monorail_boost
- interactive_monorail_corner
- interactive_monorail_cross
- interactive_monorail_intersection_left
- interactive_monorail_intersection_right
- interactive_monorail_ramp
- interactive_monorail_slow
- interactive_monorail_speed_toggle_01
- interactive_monorail_speed_toggle_02
- interactive_monorail_speed_toggle_02b
- interactive_monorail_speed_toggle_03
- interactive_monorail_speed_toggle_03b
- interactive_monorail_speed_toggle_04
- interactive_monorail_speed_toggle_04b
- interactive_monorail_speed_toggle_05
- interactive_monorail_straight
- png 1+
- minecraft rails
Replaces the mag rails with a minecraft style
Created: February 10, 2019
Updated: February 14, 2019
Type: TMOD
Inspired Work
Trovesaurus Views: 2,344
Downloads: 256
This idea or design of this mod has been inspired by something else.
It's Minecraft! \o/
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