Lego Space Guy Not Submitted

Mod Description

The attire can make you go crazy for Manned Spacecrafts

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Rev's Starter Helm and Vanguardian's Level 30 outfit to match the blue lego spaceman from the 60's

5 KB


I decided to experiment with remodelling the Rev's Starter Helm and the Level 30 Vanguardian costume, and let's just say it was pretty blocky

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  • blueprint 24+
    • c_p_crimefighter_lvl4_abdomen
    • c_p_crimefighter_lvl4_arm_l
    • c_p_crimefighter_lvl4_arm_r
    • c_p_crimefighter_lvl4_cape_c_01
    • c_p_crimefighter_lvl4_cape_c_02
    • c_p_crimefighter_lvl4_cape_l_01
    • c_p_crimefighter_lvl4_cape_l_02
    • c_p_crimefighter_lvl4_cape_r_01
    • c_p_crimefighter_lvl4_cape_r_02
    • c_p_crimefighter_lvl4_chest
    • c_p_crimefighter_lvl4_foot_l
    • c_p_crimefighter_lvl4_foot_r
    • c_p_crimefighter_lvl4_hand_l
    • c_p_crimefighter_lvl4_hand_r
    • c_p_crimefighter_lvl4_hips
    • c_p_crimefighter_lvl4_knee_l
    • c_p_crimefighter_lvl4_knee_r
    • c_p_crimefighter_lvl4_shin_l
    • c_p_crimefighter_lvl4_shin_r
    • c_p_crimefighter_lvl4_shoulder_l
    • c_p_crimefighter_lvl4_shoulder_r
    • c_p_crimefighter_lvl4_thigh_l
    • c_p_crimefighter_lvl4_thigh_r
    • equipment_helm_spirittank_lvl1[delicious]

[collection=Level 30 Vanguardian]

Revenant Starter Helm

Info Extra information for this mod.

Created: December 22, 2018

Type: ZIP

Originality: Inspired Work

Trovesaurus Views: 1,768

Downloads: 27

Inspired Work

This idea or design of this mod has been inspired by something else.

the blue Lego Space figure from LEGOLAND back in the 60's

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Trove Tools is an older app and doesn't handle the amount of mods we list very well, so we have a few restrictions for mods to show up.

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