Changed ear position and made the horns THICC
Toned down the antlers and added ears (i forgot them(shame to meeee))
My idea for a talisman mod. i want to create a few more such as a, radiant deer, an arcanium deer, a botanic deer, a candy deer, and a fire deer.
inspired by skyrider's immense amount of dolphins, i had an idea to make alot of deer mounts and submit them as some new talisman mounts. i assumed everyone has the prismatic lasercorn and if not you could ask me and i could make it replace something else; also please give any feedback or criticism about this it would help alot in my modding journey.
Thank you

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[collection=Prismatic Lasercorn]
Created: November 16, 2018
Updated: November 20, 2018
Type: TMOD
Original Work
Trovesaurus Views: 1,644
Downloads: 91
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