Deer (talisman idea) Not Submitted

Mod Description

My idea for a talisman mod. i want to create a few more such as a, radiant deer, an arcanium deer, a botanic deer, a candy deer, and a fire deer.

Versions Different versions of files for this mod.

Changed ear position and made the horns THICC

2.9 KB

Toned down the antlers and added ears (i forgot them(shame to meeee))

2.8 KB

2.8 KB


My idea for a talisman mod. i want to create a few more such as a, radiant deer, an arcanium deer, a botanic deer, a candy deer, and a fire deer.

inspired by skyrider's immense amount of dolphins, i had an idea to make alot of deer mounts and submit them as some new talisman mounts. i assumed everyone has the prismatic lasercorn and if not you could ask me and i could make it replace something else; also please give any feedback or criticism about this it would help alot in my modding journey.


Thank you


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TMOD MetadataShow

Author: LAMMAZ

Mod FilesShow

  • blueprint 9+
    • c_mt_horse_lasercorn_body
    • c_mt_horse_lasercorn_foot_bl
    • c_mt_horse_lasercorn_foot_br
    • c_mt_horse_lasercorn_foot_fl
    • c_mt_horse_lasercorn_foot_fr
    • c_mt_horse_lasercorn_head
    • c_mt_horse_lasercorn_neck
    • c_mt_horse_lasercorn_tail
    • c_mt_horse_lasercorn_ui

[collection=Prismatic Lasercorn]

Info Extra information for this mod.

Created: November 16, 2018

Updated: November 20, 2018

Type: TMOD

Originality: Original Work

Trovesaurus Views: 1,644

Downloads: 91

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