Different versions of files for this mod.
- Changed the colors on the torso and shoulders a bit
- Added a sword, not sure if i'm happy with it quite yet but it's there
original upload
NOTE: has no sword or helmet, not sure if im gonna make one
Mod FilesShow
- blueprint 27+
- c_p_knight_l_foot
- c_p_knight_l_foot_a
- c_p_knight_l_foot_s
- c_p_knight_l_hand
- c_p_knight_l_hand_a
- c_p_knight_l_hand_s
- c_p_knight_l_shin
- c_p_knight_l_shoulder
- c_p_knight_l_shoulder_a
- c_p_knight_l_shoulder_s
- c_p_knight_l_shoulder_t
- c_p_knight_r_foot
- c_p_knight_r_foot_a
- c_p_knight_r_foot_s
- c_p_knight_r_hand
- c_p_knight_r_hand_a
- c_p_knight_r_hand_s
- c_p_knight_r_shin
- c_p_knight_r_shoulder
- c_p_knight_r_shoulder_a
- c_p_knight_r_shoulder_s
- c_p_knight_r_shoulder_t
- c_p_knight_torso
- c_p_knight_torso_a
- c_p_knight_torso_s
- c_p_knight_torso_t
- equipment_weapon_1h_sword_001
- [collection=Starter Knight]
- [collection=Chipped Sword]
Extra information for this mod.
Created: August 28, 2018
Updated: August 30, 2018
Submitted: April 13, 2019
Type: ZIP
Original Work
Trovesaurus Views: 2,555
Downloads: 145
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