First version uploaded to trovesaurus - though this is technically version 1.3 of the costume.
More of a proof of concept for now than anything. I plan to actually finish the costume with proper colors and perhaps some minor model improvements, though for now here's a very flat-colored appearance to show that maybe it's actually possible to make the Knight not look like a metal croissant.
The costume itself has no particular theme, I made it up pretty much as I went since I wanted a costume for the Knight that looked less like it normally does but I had no real theme as I went. In the end, I decided on a costume meant to match a favorite melee appearance of mine. If anyone could come up with an actually clever name, I would highly appreciate it.
TMOD MetadataShow
Author: Hylash
Tags: Costume,Knight
Notes: Replacement for the Knight's level 10 costume, designed to make the knight look less... knight-ey. Fits perfectly with the Icy Estoc melee appearance
Mod FilesShow
- blueprint 36+
- c_p_knight_lvl2_l_foot
- c_p_knight_lvl2_l_foot_a
- c_p_knight_lvl2_l_foot_s
- c_p_knight_lvl2_l_foot_t
- c_p_knight_lvl2_l_hand
- c_p_knight_lvl2_l_hand_a
- c_p_knight_lvl2_l_hand_s
- c_p_knight_lvl2_l_hand_t
- c_p_knight_lvl2_l_shin
- c_p_knight_lvl2_l_shin_a
- c_p_knight_lvl2_l_shin_s
- c_p_knight_lvl2_l_shin_t
- c_p_knight_lvl2_l_shoulder
- c_p_knight_lvl2_l_shoulder_a
- c_p_knight_lvl2_l_shoulder_s
- c_p_knight_lvl2_l_shoulder_t
- c_p_knight_lvl2_r_foot
- c_p_knight_lvl2_r_foot_a
- c_p_knight_lvl2_r_foot_s
- c_p_knight_lvl2_r_foot_t
- c_p_knight_lvl2_r_hand
- c_p_knight_lvl2_r_hand_a
- c_p_knight_lvl2_r_hand_s
- c_p_knight_lvl2_r_hand_t
- c_p_knight_lvl2_r_shin
- c_p_knight_lvl2_r_shin_a
- c_p_knight_lvl2_r_shin_s
- c_p_knight_lvl2_r_shin_t
- c_p_knight_lvl2_r_shoulder
- c_p_knight_lvl2_r_shoulder_a
- c_p_knight_lvl2_r_shoulder_s
- c_p_knight_lvl2_r_shoulder_t
- c_p_knight_lvl2_torso
- c_p_knight_lvl2_torso_a
- c_p_knight_lvl2_torso_s
- c_p_knight_lvl2_torso_t
- png 1+
- estocknightthumbnail
Replaces [collection=Level 10 Knight].
Created: July 28, 2018
Type: TMOD
Original Work
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