TMOD MetadataShow
Author: Raviness - me
Tags: Costume,Vanguardian
Notes: A simple costume, replaces lvl 10 vanguardian costume, copper cutter, knuckle knife and knuckle buckle. It doesnt have any hats because stash exclusive hats are all about animals, which fits the costume very well
Mod FilesShow
- blueprint 23+
- c_p_crimefighter_lvl2_abdomen
- c_p_crimefighter_lvl2_arm_l
- c_p_crimefighter_lvl2_arm_r
- c_p_crimefighter_lvl2_cape_c_01
- c_p_crimefighter_lvl2_cape_l_01
- c_p_crimefighter_lvl2_cape_r_01
- c_p_crimefighter_lvl2_chest
- c_p_crimefighter_lvl2_foot_l
- c_p_crimefighter_lvl2_foot_r
- c_p_crimefighter_lvl2_hand_l
- c_p_crimefighter_lvl2_hand_r
- c_p_crimefighter_lvl2_hips
- c_p_crimefighter_lvl2_knee_l
- c_p_crimefighter_lvl2_knee_r
- c_p_crimefighter_lvl2_shin_l
- c_p_crimefighter_lvl2_shin_r
- c_p_crimefighter_lvl2_shoulder_l
- c_p_crimefighter_lvl2_shoulder_r
- c_p_crimefighter_lvl2_thigh_l
- c_p_crimefighter_lvl2_thigh_r
- equipment_weapon_fist_003
- equipment_weapon_fist_006
- equipment_weapon_fist_014
-lvl 10 vanguardian
-copper cutter (bare handed)
-knuckle knife
-knuckle buckle
Created: June 24, 2018
Submitted: September 5, 2019
Type: TMOD
Inspired Work
Trovesaurus Views: 3,189
Steam Workshop Views: 5,779
Downloads: 114
This idea or design of this mod has been inspired by something else.
Credit to Dennaton games for making the game that this costume is based off.
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