Replaces the level 1 Shadow Hunter costume (plus level 1 SH hat) and Wormwood Bow, instead of the level 30 costume, Dark Hood and Wormwood Bow. Also replaces base/stock Shadow Hunter VFX including Class Gem. (Correctly) compiled via TroveTools to avoid that pesky little desktop.ini bug that Trove is so fond of!
Replaces the level 1 Shadow Hunter costume (plus level 1 SH hat) and Wormwood Bow, instead of the level 30 costume, Dark Hood and Wormwood Bow. THIS VERSION IS BUGGED, PLEASE DON'T DOWNLOAD THIS
Doesn't change any of the models or particle effects from before, but now replaces the level 1 Shadow Hunter costume (plus level 1 SH hat) and Wormwood Bow, instead of the level 30 costume, Dark Hood and Wormwood Bow. Much more accessible now! Unfortunately, right now Trove seems to be having problems with one "desktop.ini" which means this particular file might be incompatible with some other mods.
Managed to get the Class Gem shot working correctly, and changed around the non-CG basic shot a bit. More particle effect updates.
Fixes a few more issues with the particle effects introduced in 1.4 and edited slightly in 1.5. Please be patient, I am still learning how this works from the ground up.
The idea behind the Duskbringer Shadow Hunter was simple. The name implies "shadows," not "darkness," and so I decided to make something more befitting of literal shadows, I.E. sunset, than the "Trove shadows" of the Shadow Shroud costume, or the edge of the Skysunder Sniper costume.
In designing the Duskbringer, I went for more of a dull, faded but warm colorstyle reminiscent of sunset, with a mixture of metallic bronzes and faded clothy reds making up most of the outfit, along with a few spots of glowing orange (since the Shadow Hunter just isn't the Shadow Hunter without something glowing,) with the only "brightly colored" part of the outfit being the odd cape-tassel on the back. The Wormwood Bow (which I selected because it was one of the two starter bows) and the Sun Snare/1-key throwable both also got this treatment, with the latter being something I'm especially proud of. And finally (and most recently) the Dark Hood because it was easy to work off of as a base, being a hood like what I wanted to make.
Ultimately, I'm proud of this design, and I think it's close to completion, I'm just waiting on a bit more feedback to call it good.
For crafting, I'd imagine this being at the Chaos Core Crafter under Costumes for the following:
10 Chaos Cores, 50000 Flux, 10 Penta-Forged Shadow Souls, 10 Forged Radiant Souls, 1000 Radiant Shards and 1000 Shadow Shards.

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TMOD MetadataShow
Author: CaptainCraftIt
Tags: Cosmetics,Helmet,Vfx,Shadow Hunter
Notes: Replaces the Lvl1 Shadow Hunter costume and hat, and the Wormwood Bow. The closer you get to the light, the greater your shadow becomes
Mod FilesShow
- pkfx 28+
- character_pc_shadow_hunter_ability_arrow_of_the_goddess_aoe_hit_01
- character_pc_shadow_hunter_ability_arrow_of_the_goddess_charged_01
- character_pc_shadow_hunter_ability_arrow_of_the_goddess_cooldown_ready_01
- character_pc_shadow_hunter_ability_arrow_of_the_goddess_projectile_01
- character_pc_shadow_hunter_ability_basic_shot_impact_01
- character_pc_shadow_hunter_ability_basic_shot_projectile_01
- character_pc_shadow_hunter_ability_basic_shot_shoot_01
- character_pc_shadow_hunter_ability_passive_shadowmark_aura_01
- character_pc_shadow_hunter_ability_passive_shadowmark_hit_01
- character_pc_shadow_hunter_ability_radiant_arrow_charging_01
- character_pc_shadow_hunter_ability_radiant_arrow_charging_ultimate_01
- character_pc_shadow_hunter_ability_radiant_arrow_impact_01
- character_pc_shadow_hunter_ability_radiant_arrow_impact_02
- character_pc_shadow_hunter_ability_radiant_arrow_impact_03
- character_pc_shadow_hunter_ability_radiant_arrow_muzzle_flash_01
- character_pc_shadow_hunter_ability_radiant_arrow_muzzle_flash_02
- character_pc_shadow_hunter_ability_radiant_arrow_muzzle_flash_03
- character_pc_shadow_hunter_ability_radiant_arrow_projectile_charged_01
- character_pc_shadow_hunter_ability_radiant_arrow_projectile_nocharge_01
- character_pc_shadow_hunter_ability_radiant_arrow_projectile_ultimate_01
- character_pc_shadow_hunter_ability_sun_snare_aoe_explosion_01
- character_pc_shadow_hunter_ability_sun_snare_projectile_0
- character_pc_shadow_hunter_ability_sun_snare_root_loop_01
- character_pc_shadow_hunter_ability_sun_snare_spawn_explosion_0
- character_pc_shadow_hunter_ability_sun_snare_warning_01
- character_pc_shadow_hunter_gem_burstfire_impact_01
- character_pc_shadow_hunter_gem_burstfire_markdetonate_01
- character_pc_shadow_hunter_gem_burstfire_projectile_01
- blueprint 22+
- c_p_shadowhunter_bomb_01
- c_p_shadow_hunter_hips
- c_p_shadow_hunter_l_cape_01
- c_p_shadow_hunter_l_cape_02
- c_p_shadow_hunter_l_cape_03
- c_p_shadow_hunter_l_foot
- c_p_shadow_hunter_l_hand
- c_p_shadow_hunter_l_shin
- c_p_shadow_hunter_l_shoulder
- c_p_shadow_hunter_l_thigh
- c_p_shadow_hunter_r_cape_01
- c_p_shadow_hunter_r_cape_02
- c_p_shadow_hunter_r_cape_03
- c_p_shadow_hunter_r_foot
- c_p_shadow_hunter_r_hand
- c_p_shadow_hunter_r_shin
- c_p_shadow_hunter_r_shoulder
- c_p_shadow_hunter_r_thigh
- c_p_shadow_hunter_torso
- c_p_shadow_hunter_ui
- equipment_helm_shadowhunter_lvl1[ylva]
- equipment_weapon_bow_startswap
This mod replaces the starter SH costume, the Wormwood Bow, the starter SH hat, and the default Sun Snare model with that of the Duskbringer costume. This does not replace any of the particle effects associated with these items until version 1.4+. For a version without particle effects, download 1.3 or lower.
Created: May 24, 2018
Updated: April 10, 2020
Submitted: January 27, 2020
Type: TMOD
Original Work
Trovesaurus Views: 6,505
Downloads: 569
Visible on TroveTools