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Looks good ^o^
Could use some material maps for some coolio effects like glowing eyes
Yeah i was gonna do that. I might release it on V2, but if you close enough there is a glowing block on one of the hands.
Mod FilesShow
- blueprint 17+
- c_p_gun_slinger_lvl2_belt
- C_P_gun_slinger_lvl2_cape_01
- C_P_gun_slinger_lvl2_cape_02
- C_P_gun_slinger_lvl2_cape_03
- C_P_gun_slinger_lvl2_L_foot
- C_P_gun_slinger_lvl2_L_hand
- C_P_gun_slinger_lvl2_L_hand_t
- C_P_gun_slinger_lvl2_L_shin
- C_P_gun_slinger_lvl2_L_shoulder
- C_P_gun_slinger_lvl2_L_thigh
- C_P_gun_slinger_lvl2_R_foot
- C_P_gun_slinger_lvl2_R_hand
- C_P_gun_slinger_lvl2_R_shin
- C_P_gun_slinger_lvl2_R_shoulder
- C_P_gun_slinger_lvl2_R_thigh
- C_P_gun_slinger_lvl2_torso
- equipment_helm_shadow
Replaces :
Lvl 10 Gunslinger
Created: May 7, 2018
Type: ZIP
Inspired Work
Trovesaurus Views: 3,909
Downloads: 252
This idea or design of this mod has been inspired by something else.
- Creator of Skull Commando mod
- Sc4recroW
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