Mod Accepted - This mod was accepted into the game 7 years ago

Due to it`s replace basic cannon so all of other ship without own cannon model will become this mod`s cannon
TMOD MetadataShow
Author: Wyvern_Mihail
Tags: Ball,Sail
Notes: But AI system is broken so its still need manual control now xD (replace old blocksides and simple sail)
Mod FilesShow
- blueprint 14+
- c_mt_boat_cannon_basic
- c_mt_boat_cannon_basic_base
- c_mt_boat_large_basic_01
- c_mt_boat_large_basic_02
- c_mt_boat_large_basic_ui
- c_mt_boat_sail_white_bot_c
- c_mt_boat_sail_white_bot_l
- c_mt_boat_sail_white_bot_r
- c_mt_boat_sail_white_center_d
- c_mt_boat_sail_white_center_u
- c_mt_boat_sail_white_top_c
- c_mt_boat_sail_white_top_l
- c_mt_boat_sail_white_top_r
- c_mt_boat_sail_white_ui
- png 1+
- 20180501022534
Created: April 30, 2018
Accepted: May 8, 2018
Type: TMOD
Original Work
Trovesaurus Views: 8,507
Downloads: 1,239
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- Has already been accepted into game