First public release. Version 23 due to spending 2 hours resolving a UI issue.
The gif shown above is not the final product. The floating cubes are no longer there, as this was the first version of the mod. All floating blocks have been remedied to acceptable Trion conditions.
TMOD MetadataShow
Author: WhyFii
Tags: Ally
Notes: Frank decided to follow you around as a new exercise routine.
Mod FilesShow
- blueprint 13+
- c_c_wheel_nilfgorn_body
- c_c_wheel_nilfgorn_body_a
- c_c_wheel_nilfgorn_body_s
- c_c_wheel_nilfgorn_body_t
- c_c_wheel_nilfgorn_hubcap_l
- c_c_wheel_nilfgorn_hubcap_l_a
- c_c_wheel_nilfgorn_hubcap_l_s
- c_c_wheel_nilfgorn_hubcap_l_t
- c_c_wheel_nilfgorn_hubcap_r
- c_c_wheel_nilfgorn_hubcap_r_a
- c_c_wheel_nilfgorn_hubcap_r_s
- c_c_wheel_nilfgorn_hubcap_r_t
- c_c_wheel_nilfgorn_ui[nilfgorn]
- png 1+
- frank
This mod replaces Nilfa from Streamer Dreams.
Created: April 21, 2018
Type: TMOD
Inspired Work
Trovesaurus Views: 2,399
Downloads: 98
This idea or design of this mod has been inspired by something else.
The gif shown above is not the final product. The floating cubes are no longer there, as this was the first version of the mod. All floating blocks have been remedied to acceptable Trion conditions.
Visible on TroveTools