Display No Clouds

Mod Description

This is a simple vfx mod that removes the clouds in the sky.
This would be extremely useful for those that like gliding or build at great heights!

Versions Different versions of files for this mod.

1.1 KB

Comments and Likes Comments 8

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surprisingly still works when I converted the file into a .tmod file dated JULY 2021

Does not work with Geode update

someone can send coverted version?


doesnt work anymore has to be tmod now i think

Needs to be a tmod to be usable right now. Hopefully Trion fixes that soon.

EDIT: If you need this mod right now, your best bet is to install via TroveTools.NET, auto-convert to tmod, then search your Trove install directory for folders named "override" and delete them all. If this makes you feel edgy, back up first.

Useful when you're building a sky scraper, and want a clear screen doing so.

I keep this mod off for a nicer picture, but I like the mod, so I won't uninstall it. =)

dont work zzzzz


Quick ZIP

Mod FilesShow

  • pkfx 1+
    • environment_cloud_01
Info Extra information for this mod.

Created: February 13, 2015

Updated: October 23, 2016

Type: ZIP

Originality: Original Work

Trovesaurus Views: 111,201

Downloads: 98,556

Visible on TroveTools