With Knees
No Knees
TMOD MetadataShow
Author: Acculluz
Tags: Costume
Notes: Replaces: Level 10 Vanguardian Costume Shadome Helmet Casual Claw
Mod FilesShow
- blueprint 22+
- c_p_crimefighter_lvl2_abdomen
- c_p_crimefighter_lvl2_arm_l
- c_p_crimefighter_lvl2_arm_r
- c_p_crimefighter_lvl2_cape_c_01
- c_p_crimefighter_lvl2_cape_l_01
- c_p_crimefighter_lvl2_cape_r_01
- c_p_crimefighter_lvl2_chest
- c_p_crimefighter_lvl2_foot_l
- c_p_crimefighter_lvl2_foot_r
- c_p_crimefighter_lvl2_hand_l
- c_p_crimefighter_lvl2_hand_r
- c_p_crimefighter_lvl2_hips
- c_p_crimefighter_lvl2_knee_l
- c_p_crimefighter_lvl2_knee_r
- c_p_crimefighter_lvl2_shin_l
- c_p_crimefighter_lvl2_shin_r
- c_p_crimefighter_lvl2_shoulder_l
- c_p_crimefighter_lvl2_shoulder_r
- c_p_crimefighter_lvl2_thigh_l
- c_p_crimefighter_lvl2_thigh_r
- equipment_helm_shadow
- equipment_weapon_1h_fist_001[slinthas]
- png 2+
- iron guardian
- title
Permitted by Acculluz to be edited by [Delicious]
Delicious noted:I don't want to take credit for the perfection that this mod was already in, but I did want to submit them to give them a chance to be seen by the devs. Thank Acculluz for making such beautiful creations! \o/
Starter Vanguardian Costume
Shadome Helmet
Casual Claw
Created: February 19, 2018
Updated: February 20, 2018
Submitted: March 14, 2019
Type: TMOD
Original Work
Trovesaurus Views: 4,824
Steam Workshop Views: 1,612
Downloads: 313
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