TMOD MetadataShow
Author: ipmanOver9000
Notes: My take on the boss radar.
Mod FilesShow
- pkfx 32+
- character_mount_dragon_deepsea_headglow_02
- character_npc_affix_aoeheal_ambient_01
- character_npc_affix_beam_ambient_01
- character_npc_affix_beam_magic_ambient_01
- character_npc_affix_bee_01
- character_npc_affix_clone_01
- character_npc_affix_gravitypylon_ambient_01
- character_npc_affix_gravitywell_01
- character_npc_affix_iceaura_01
- character_npc_affix_iceaura_ambient_01
- character_npc_affix_icebomb_ambient_01
- character_npc_affix_meteor_ambient_01
- character_npc_affix_meteor_ice_ambient_01
- character_npc_affix_mirrorimage_ambient_01
- character_npc_affix_mushrooms_ambient_01
- character_npc_affix_nova_ambient_01
- character_npc_affix_sawblade_ambient_01
- character_npc_affix_shadowchick_01
- character_npc_affix_shadowchick_ambient_01
- character_npc_affix_shadrone_01
- character_npc_affix_spiders_01
- character_npc_affix_spiders_01
- character_npc_affix_spikes_ambient_01
- character_npc_affix_stinky_01
- character_npc_affix_teleport_01
- character_npc_affix_teleport_summon_ambient_01
- character_npc_affix_turret_ambient_01
- character_npc_affix_turret_flamethrower_ambient_01
- character_npc_affix_vortex_ambient_01
- character_npc_dragon_egg_keeper_pirate_breath_01
- environment_ominous_totem_active_01
- environment_ominous_totem_idle_01
- png 1+
- better radar_ui
Created: November 11, 2017
Type: TMOD
Inspired Work
Trovesaurus Views: 65,791
Downloads: 30,631
This idea or design of this mod has been inspired by something else.
This mod is a bit wonky but it surely is a great mod that provides quick information on the bosses whereabouts. When you see 2 bars coming from 1 boss it means that boss has more than 1 ability, not much i can do about that. I certainly like this version better though
Please comment your opinions ^_^
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