Jade Dragon Not Submitted

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im installed but in trove mods there have that mod too but i cant use mod why:(

  • Do you place the mod in the "mods" folder?
  • Is the mod enabled?
  • Do you have other mods that replace Selene The Celestial Storm? (overrides included)
  • Do you even have Selene The Celestial Storm unlocked at the first place?

i dont have selene the celestial storm but i have ancient dragon and azulian dragon yes the mod enabled and i have place the mod in the mods folder but still not working :(

You need to have Selene the Celestial Storm unlocked in order to use the mod...

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Quick TMOD

TMOD MetadataShow

Author: B_Y3LL0W

Notes: V2.0: Recolored the whole dragon to fit the Forbidden Spires theme.

Mod FilesShow

  • blueprint 17+
    • c_mt_dragonlong_cny2016_body_01
    • c_mt_dragonlong_cny2016_body_02
    • c_mt_dragonlong_cny2016_body_03
    • c_mt_dragonlong_cny2016_body_04
    • c_mt_dragonlong_cny2016_body_05
    • c_mt_dragonlong_cny2016_body_06
    • c_mt_dragonlong_cny2016_body_07
    • c_mt_dragonlong_cny2016_foot_bl
    • c_mt_dragonlong_cny2016_foot_br
    • c_mt_dragonlong_cny2016_foot_fl
    • c_mt_dragonlong_cny2016_foot_fr
    • c_mt_dragonlong_cny2016_head
    • c_mt_dragonlong_cny2016_jaw
    • c_mt_dragonlong_cny2016_shoulder_bl
    • c_mt_dragonlong_cny2016_shoulder_br
    • c_mt_dragonlong_cny2016_shoulder_fl
    • c_mt_dragonlong_cny2016_shoulder_fr
  • png 1+
    • jd

[collection=Selene The Celestial Storm]

Info Extra information for this mod.

Created: October 19, 2017

Updated: December 5, 2017

Type: TMOD

Originality: Original Work

Trovesaurus Views: 6,965

Downloads: 706

Visible on TroveTools