TheSymbols Club Tag Mod

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Any chance of new clubs to be included/reviewed for logo? This mod hadn't updated in a while.
where i can get the "cfg"

I have this mod and just ran into a weird issue. I have your Club Tag mod and after I added all my mods last week I didn't realize it but /C1 I can't see anyone chat or myself. I see all my other clubs in ALL. I tried changing it to a different /CX location then I can still see all my other clubs just not the one that has an altered TAG. I ended up making a C1 chat TAB and that fixed it.


I think you are commenting on the wrong mod, the club tag mod does not interact with the chat.

as for why its not displaying your club chats, i have no idea, most likely its hitting a filter, it would help to know your club name.

Any ETA on the next update? Great mod btw.


I do not do ETA's.

liked this!


alright np


Download the latest version, it is now fixed.

Thanks for accepting my clabs tag, looks gorgeous. I wear it with pride \o/ rooW


Looks interesting; I'll tell my clubs about it, see if they'll get it

 My club tag is not same on Club tag mod and Chat mod, On Chat mod is right, but on club tag mod this is the older club tag, the club is "froxynskyFR"

If its not in the mod i would strongly advice you resend the logo and ill update it.

That guy to the left, is kinda hot...

bDerpy :knife:

Arion's quitting?!
*weeps quietly*

Quick TMOD

TMOD MetadataShow

Author: Arion4K & TheSymbol

Notes: NOTE! This is a repost of our mod, rebranded because of Arion4K quitting Trove, if he returns this version will stop getting updates! With this mod you can easily make t

Mod FilesShow

  • png 1+
    • customized_club_tag_with_logos
  • swf 1+
    • nameplate


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Info Extra information for this mod.

Created: October 8, 2017

Updated: October 8, 2022

Type: TMOD

Originality: Collaborative Work

Trovesaurus Views: 29,743

Steam Workshop Views: 21,110

Downloads: 18,144

Collaborative Work

This mod is a collaboration between several Trovians.

NOTE! This is a nightly version of our customized club tag mod.

Updates will be released faster on this version but will most likely have more bugs.

Visible on TroveTools