Out of Date - This mod has been marked as out of date on October 4, 2023. This is likely due to the original file being changed by the Trove Team, it is unlikely to continue working and the mod author will need to submit a new version.

This mod adds 10 buttons on the top of the chat with the function of sending a message determined by you whenever clicked, thus saving time by typing ads in the trade or chat of ST.
It is possible to be changing in game the message for each button and also the name of the button to identify it.
But this in game change is lost every time the game restarts.
For a permanent change below is a step by step tutorial to change the first 5 buttons only (identical to how to change in my other mod QuickSearch MarketPlace BR).
(Trovesaurus site registration required)
1.Log in to the site below and log in to your account.
2.Enter the link below.
3. At the bottom of the page click to edit the item $ prefabs_test_totem_test_sign_content
(Not the same item that is edited in my other mod).
4.Enter the code below replacing the texts "BOTAO" by the desired message.
(Maximum number of characters / letters that the code can have in total is 255!)
Before the message you can put the channel in which to send the message ("/ 1" "/ c1" "/ c2")
Just like normal chat.
¬1,1/join st¬1,2¬2,1Bom Dia¬2,2¬3,1LF UM¬3,2¬4,1 Vendo Batata ¬4,2 ¬5,1/1 Bom dia Macacada¬5,2
5. Click Send.
6.Go to the top of the page.
7.Click the button with option to download the modified files (Download Modified prefabs_test.binfab).
8. Open the Trove folder on Steam and go to the Languages folder.
C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\Trove\Games\Trove\Live\languages
9.Enter your language folder
10. If there is a folder named Override, skip to step 12.
11. Create a folder named Override.
12.Put the downloaded file into this Override folder.
Ready, Be Happy: B
NOTE: You must be logged in to be able to make changes to the file, otherwise the option to edit will not appear.
StormReaper - I used an idea used in the mod Clock/Dungeon Tracker developed by him, thus enabling Button customization.

You must be logged in to add a comment.
I from Brazil, and i wanted to make a mark of brazil.
this mod in pt-br do not make it impossible for you to use them. <3
Created: August 27, 2017
Type: TMOD
Inspired Work
Trovesaurus Views: 7,387
Steam Workshop Views: 3,481
Downloads: 582
This idea or design of this mod has been inspired by something else.
If you use my other QuickSearch MarketPlace BR mod, make the button changes there along with the changes you make here (if you want to).
And sorry bad english, i use Google Translator for this ._.
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