Vangrad, the Iron Wing.tmod
Aug 28, 2017
103.27 KB
Finished the maps! Everything seems to work great. VFX is next on the list!
Vangrad, the Iron Wing.tmod
Aug 24, 2017
103.1 KB
No changes to the file, but I finally learned how to export it with the .tmod extension.
Basically, following the Eclipse update, I experienced a conflict where the override folder for blueprints (from .zip mods) prevented ALL installed .tmods from working. This fixes that issue if you too have been experiencing the same.
Thank you ExoDave for explaining that to me and giving me a reason to learn how to save the mod properly ;D
Aug 22, 2017
7.14 KB
Made the wingflaps a bit more colourful and brighter. Added a dark blue tone for the skin under the armor - too dark I think. He's looking very Lich-like. What do you think?
Added Hook-claw ends to the wing-armor. Think they'll stay.
Aug 21, 2017
6.75 KB
Wanted to make his wings a little less bland to look at, while I figure out what to do with them in terms of relief and detail.
I am considering giving his skin beneath the armor on the main body a similar, darker blue tone, to create some complimentary colour that works with the armor itself, and lighter up his underbelly a tad. Comment what you think! It may be taken on board for the next version.
Aug 20, 2017
6.56 KB
No changes listed
TMOD MetadataShow
Author: Lupyne
Notes: updated with maps
Mod FilesShow
- blueprint 21+
- c_mt_dragon_music_body_01
- c_mt_dragon_music_body_02
- c_mt_dragon_music_body_03
- c_mt_dragon_music_body_04
- c_mt_dragon_music_body_05
- c_mt_dragon_music_body_06
- c_mt_dragon_music_body_07
- c_mt_dragon_music_foot_bl
- c_mt_dragon_music_foot_br
- c_mt_dragon_music_foot_fl
- c_mt_dragon_music_foot_fr
- c_mt_dragon_music_head
- c_mt_dragon_music_jaw
- c_mt_dragon_music_shoulder_bl
- c_mt_dragon_music_shoulder_br
- c_mt_dragon_music_shoulder_fl
- c_mt_dragon_music_shoulder_fr
- c_mt_dragon_music_wing_l_01
- c_mt_dragon_music_wing_l_02
- c_mt_dragon_music_wing_r_01
- c_mt_dragon_music_wing_r_02
- png 1+
- modicon
[collection=Albairn, Voice of Dawn]
Created: August 20, 2017
Updated: August 28, 2017
Type: TMOD
Inspired Work
Trovesaurus Views: 7,144
Downloads: 655
This idea or design of this mod has been inspired by something else.
Looking for: Assistance with VFX and Music. Send me a mail here on Trovesaurus!
Yep. The new Lore (scroll down) *is* a hint at a coming Shadowhunter costume to match Vangrad.
UPDATE: Maps now added! Shiny! Now it's time to learn Popcorn...
Visible on TroveTools