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Can you place these rings on the Midnight Marauder please? Cuz i like those rings but i want them on the Midnight Marauder(the Despoiled Divinity costume) Please?
TMOD MetadataShow
Author: ipmanOver9000
Tags: Cosmetics,Neon Ninja
Notes: Replaces the Passive rings for the following NN Costumes: [Start Neon Ninja, Level 10 Neon Ninja, Level 20 Neon Ninja, Neon Stroke, Inferno Infiltrator, Anubian Assassin
Mod FilesShow
- pkfx 6+
- character_pc_neonninja_05neonstrokeskin_ability_passive_charge_01
- character_pc_neonninja_05neonstrokeskin_ability_passive_charge_02
- character_pc_neonninja_05neonstrokeskin_ability_passive_charge_03
- character_pc_neonninja_ability_passive_charge_01
- character_pc_neonninja_ability_passive_charge_02
- character_pc_neonninja_ability_passive_charge_03
- png 1+
- nn custom vfx passive rings
Created: August 11, 2017
Type: TMOD
Inspired Work
Trovesaurus Views: 4,285
Downloads: 521
This idea or design of this mod has been inspired by something else.
I am unaware of this mod also works for the following NN costumes as I do not have these costumes to test them on: [Nightshade , Magenta Master
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