Warcraft - Illidan Not Submitted

Mod Description

This mod replaces the Infineon costume

Versions Different versions of files for this mod.

76.9 KB

108.7 KB


Video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JpOVj2sNUD0
I started to play trove recently and fall in love with the mods. Specially the Warcraft ones. So I wanted to do a full conversion, still some more to go!

1. Thrall
- Costume: Chloromancer level 10
- Weapon: Twisted Tengrim (Uncommon)
- Helmet: Mind Jar (Uncommon)
- Effects: Lightning for the basic attack and Totens instead of plants!

2. Valeera
- Costume: Neon Ninja level 10
- Weapon: Plain Pummeler (Uncommon)
- Helmet: Shadome
- Effects: Green effects to match the character and dual daggers!

3. Arthas
- Costume: Revenant level 10
- Weapon: Plate Peeler (Uncommon)
- Helmet: Winter Dragoncrown
- Effects: Blue special effects to match the icy character, the Lich King1
- Credits: Me for the costume and the frostmourne, the helmet was done by Black Owl from his mod.

4. Guldan
- Costume: Dracolyte level 10
- Weapon: Parsing Pylon (Uncommon)
- Helmet: Embedded Boomerang (Uncommon)
- Effects: Green Fire to match the fell and a skull as the pet dragon!

5. Illidan
- Costume: Dark Infineon Candy Barbarian
- Weapon: Candy Axe
- Helmet: Dark Infineon
- Effects: Purple Effects to match the character.
- Credits: Me for the costume, the warglaives is a slightly modified version of Aynat, so the credit go all to her for the weapon!

6. Grommash
- Costume: Boomeranger level 10
- Weapon: Wishful Wand (Uncommon)
- Helmet: Think Tank (Uncommon)
- Effects: Orc Grunts instead of Chickens, and you throw Grom's axe instead of a boomerang.
- Credits: Orc grunts, the axe Gorehowl and effects to me, the costume its a modified version of the costume made by Black Owl, the credits go all for him for the costume, I just did some personal ajustments.

7. Sylvannas
- Costume: Shadow Hunter level 10
- Weapon: Wormwood Bow
- Helmet: infinidrome
- Credits: The bow for me, the costume is a modified version of the costume made by Black Owl, the credits go all for him for the costume, I just did some personal ajustments, such as color, cape and the torso.

I am thinking on doing Jaina Proudmore in Ice Sage and Zuljin in the Lunar Lancer, tell me if you guys have any idea or improvment.

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I don't even play wow but i love this costume, it's exactly the look i wanted for my cb, i feel like the warglaives could be done better so i don't use that mod. I wish you made the glaives yourself , think they would fit way better but the ascended adventurine axe works too :D

I did another version slightly different, uploaded in steam workshop xD


I also did another 6 warcraft characters

You are amazing dude! I think that the guards on the glaives are too big but that's just my preference, all the costumes look great :3 If you ever have extra time, could you make a version with smaller guards? it must be pretty hard to get into making mods and i'm pretty sure i'd fail anyway, would really appreciate it <33

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Replaces the Infineon costume

Warglaves not included, you can find then in the steam workshop from another autor :)

Quick TMOD

TMOD MetadataShow

Author: Hexxer

Tags: Costume,Candy Barbarian

Notes: Warcraft Mod

Mod FilesShow

  • blueprint 15+
    • c_p_candybarbarian_infineon_front_skirt
    • c_p_candybarbarian_infineon_hips
    • c_p_candybarbarian_infineon_ice_crom_cone
    • c_p_candybarbarian_infineon_l_foot
    • c_p_candybarbarian_infineon_l_hand
    • c_p_candybarbarian_infineon_l_shin
    • c_p_candybarbarian_infineon_l_shoulder
    • c_p_candybarbarian_infineon_rear_skirt
    • c_p_candybarbarian_infineon_r_foot
    • c_p_candybarbarian_infineon_r_hand
    • c_p_candybarbarian_infineon_r_shin
    • c_p_candybarbarian_infineon_r_shoulder
    • c_p_candybarbarian_infineon_torso
    • equipment_helm_candybarbarian_infineon[screamheart]
    • equipment_weapon_1h_axe_candy_start
  • png 1+
    • illidan

This mod replaces the Infineon costume

Info Extra information for this mod.

Created: July 15, 2017

Updated: July 19, 2017

Type: TMOD

Originality: Original Work

Trovesaurus Views: 9,351

Downloads: 1,465

Visible on TroveTools