ExoDave Better Collections

Mod Description

Improves the Collections interface by making it more compact while displaying more and making the item icons bigger!

Versions Different versions of files for this mod.

Changelog: * Adds red cross for when tome sleeps instead of zzZ. * Add debounce to search (500ms) this should limit the amount of crashes occouring in collection searching.

1.3 MB

Special thanks to Kentuky.

Now supports geode mastery icons.

1.3 MB


Improves Collections interfaces.

1.4 MB

Comments and Likes Comments 3

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Love yo utilities mods <3

Tho im having some minor (like really minor) issues with this one, there's no Exit button :^(


Something like dis maybe?

or maybe there is one but idk where..

Exo, you have making the greatest mods in Trove, i'm so happy with your mods are you making

But i have some bugs here to help you out http://imgur.com/a/zt2KW

1° is the Show all thing right corner is keeping the size of full resolution

2° is a conflict with ExoDave UI Package

I hope i help you with these reports here and great work man xD

(again, i'm bad with english :v)

Thank you! I have fix the problems you have posted.

Update ExoDave UI Package, It nows has Better collections mod inside it. 

Please Like the mod if everything works.

Quick TMOD

TMOD MetadataShow

Author: ExoDave

Tags: UI

Notes: Improves the collections interface by making it more compact while displaying more and making the item icons bigger!

Mod FilesShow

  • jpg 1+
    • exodavebettercollections2

Improves the Collections interface by making it more compact while displaying more and making the item icons bigger!

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Info Extra information for this mod.

Created: June 10, 2017

Updated: November 20, 2021

Type: TMOD

Originality: Inspired Work

Trovesaurus Views: 43,225

Steam Workshop Views: 61,993

Downloads: 31,806

Inspired Work

This idea or design of this mod has been inspired by something else.

Improves the Collections interface by making it more compact while displaying more and making the item icons bigger!

Visible on TroveTools