ExoDave Small map

Comments and Likes Comments 14

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Thank you for this mod!

Isn't working after the Hero Rises patch.

Update it, please. =)

I confirm the lack of text (nicknames) on the minimap after the update.

Thank you for bringing this to my attention. The mod has been updated and is now fully working again.

Doesn't work properly now. After update map doesn't display nicknames of all players. Pls upgrade this mod. It's so good and standard map is so ugly after mod

Fixed. Update the mod as soon as you can.

Thanks for the mod~

It would be perfect if the minimap would stay on our screens when we move and if we could move it around to different spots via click and drag.

Nice mod

I love this mod but just wondering if there's any way that you could make the character position/direction arrow any larger? These old eyes don't work as well as they used to. Anyway thanks for this and all of your mods. I use many of them.

Nice mod. Is there any way to make the map moveable or the ability to keep it open while moving?

I did notice when terraforming that the mouse cursor is nowhere near the modded map, but seems to be using original location from original map.

Thanks for your time and mods.

On different screen resolutions the mini-map is located further away from the screen center (the higher - the farther), so the eye won't "pin" on the same spot if you play on a 4k screen, and switch to a different device after that (or just switch the resolution, for the sake of editing/recording, for example).

It would be a "must have" if it could auto-resize itself and pin on the absolute coords, rather than pixels.

We shall see if Trio Worlds implements some sort of Mini Map.

I love that !

good job

Quick TMOD

TMOD MetadataShow

Author: ExoDave

Notes: Compact map by ExoDave, see more of the world, see where you're going.

Mod FilesShow

  • jpg 1+
    • exodaveminimap

Compact map by ExoDave, see more of the world, see where you're going.

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Info Extra information for this mod.

Created: May 30, 2017

Updated: March 28, 2018

Type: TMOD

Originality: Inspired Work

Trovesaurus Views: 78,624

Steam Workshop Views: 86,269

Downloads: 59,124

Inspired Work

This idea or design of this mod has been inspired by something else.

Compact map by ExoDave, see more of the world, see where you're going.

Visible on TroveTools