Did some minor recolor to the ally.
- Made the head a little bit "rounded".
- Made the feet the same color as the actual Ganda.
- Removed unnecessary stripes on the neck.
initial release
TMOD MetadataShow
Author: B_Y3LL0W
Notes: Replaces the Bounding Boot ally. This mod is a little bit unstable and may revert back to the Bounding Boot. If this happen, just right-click on another ally and right-click the Bounding Boot again
Mod FilesShow
- blueprint 12+
- c_c_boot_basic_ui
- c_c_rooster_lny2017_body
- c_c_rooster_lny2017_comb
- c_c_rooster_lny2017_foot_l
- c_c_rooster_lny2017_foot_r
- c_c_rooster_lny2017_head
- c_c_rooster_lny2017_leg_l
- c_c_rooster_lny2017_leg_r
- c_c_rooster_lny2017_neck
- c_c_rooster_lny2017_tail
- c_c_rooster_lny2017_wing_l
- c_c_rooster_lny2017_wing_r
- binfab 1+
- collections/pet/boot_basic_npc
- png 1+
- jubjub
[collection=Bounding Boot]
Created: May 10, 2017
Updated: May 22, 2017
Type: TMOD
Original Work
Trovesaurus Views: 5,933
Downloads: 921
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