Arcane Boomerranger Not Submitted

Mod Description

Turns the Boomerranger into an Arcane Mage

-Purple Staff is sword

-Blue staff is bow

Versions Different versions of files for this mod.

322.1 KB

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liked this!


Hey, you look like you're good at modding, from i can see, do you know how to get started with modding? i really want to mod, but i dunno how.

Oh jeez, 2 years ago! the way how i'd get started is by reading the modding 101 pages off to the left when you browse mods, and if you encounter any problems just ask a modder like me and we'll respond, depending on who you ask.

liked this!


i like it :O

Thnx! 6 hours of work was put in to it. ;)

Quick TMOD

TMOD MetadataShow

Author: Stormknight23

Tags: Costume,Boomeranger

Notes: Turns the Boomerranger into an arcane mage

Mod FilesShow

  • blueprint 120+
    • c_c_quchik_beak
    • c_c_quchik_beak_a
    • c_c_quchik_beak_s
    • c_c_quchik_beak_t
    • c_c_quchik_crest
    • c_c_quchik_crest_a
    • c_c_quchik_crest_s
    • c_c_quchik_crest_t
    • c_c_quchik_head
    • c_c_quchik_head_a
    • c_c_quchik_head_s
    • c_c_quchik_head_t
    • c_c_quchik_l_eye
    • c_c_quchik_l_eye_a
    • c_c_quchik_l_eye_s
    • c_c_quchik_l_eye_t
    • c_c_quchik_l_foot
    • c_c_quchik_l_foot_a
    • c_c_quchik_l_foot_s
    • c_c_quchik_l_foot_t
    • c_c_quchik_l_wing
    • c_c_quchik_l_wing_a
    • c_c_quchik_l_wing_s
    • c_c_quchik_l_wing_t
    • c_c_quchik_r_eye
    • c_c_quchik_r_eye_a
    • c_c_quchik_r_eye_s
    • c_c_quchik_r_eye_t
    • c_c_quchik_r_foot
    • c_c_quchik_r_foot_a
    • c_c_quchik_r_foot_s
    • c_c_quchik_r_foot_t
    • c_c_quchik_r_wing
    • c_c_quchik_r_wing_a
    • c_c_quchik_r_wing_s
    • c_c_quchik_r_wing_t
    • c_p_adventurer_basic_bawkbomb
    • c_p_adventurer_basic_bawkbomb_a
    • c_p_adventurer_basic_bawkbomb_s
    • c_p_adventurer_basic_bawkbomb_t
    • c_p_adventurer_basic_bomb
    • c_p_adventurer_basic_bomb_a
    • c_p_adventurer_basic_bomb_s
    • c_p_adventurer_basic_bomb_t
    • c_p_adventurer_basic_boomerang
    • c_p_adventurer_basic_boomerang_a
    • c_p_adventurer_basic_boomerang_s
    • c_p_adventurer_basic_boomerang_t
    • c_p_adventurer_basic_heart
    • c_p_adventurer_basic_heart_a
    • c_p_adventurer_basic_heart_s
    • c_p_adventurer_basic_heart_t
    • c_p_adventurer_basic_urn
    • c_p_adventurer_basic_urn_a
    • c_p_adventurer_basic_urn_s
    • c_p_adventurer_basic_urn_t
    • c_p_adventurer_lvl2_foot_l
    • c_p_adventurer_lvl2_foot_l_a
    • c_p_adventurer_lvl2_foot_l_s
    • c_p_adventurer_lvl2_foot_l_t
    • c_p_adventurer_lvl2_foot_r
    • c_p_adventurer_lvl2_foot_r_a
    • c_p_adventurer_lvl2_foot_r_s
    • c_p_adventurer_lvl2_foot_r_t
    • c_p_adventurer_lvl2_hand_l
    • c_p_adventurer_lvl2_hand_l_a
    • c_p_adventurer_lvl2_hand_l_s
    • c_p_adventurer_lvl2_hand_l_t
    • c_p_adventurer_lvl2_hand_r
    • c_p_adventurer_lvl2_hand_r_a
    • c_p_adventurer_lvl2_hand_r_s
    • c_p_adventurer_lvl2_hand_r_t
    • c_p_adventurer_lvl2_hips
    • c_p_adventurer_lvl2_hips_a
    • c_p_adventurer_lvl2_hips_s
    • c_p_adventurer_lvl2_hips_t
    • c_p_adventurer_lvl2_pack
    • c_p_adventurer_lvl2_pack_a
    • c_p_adventurer_lvl2_pack_s
    • c_p_adventurer_lvl2_pack_t
    • c_p_adventurer_lvl2_shin_l
    • c_p_adventurer_lvl2_shin_l_a
    • c_p_adventurer_lvl2_shin_l_s
    • c_p_adventurer_lvl2_shin_l_t
    • c_p_adventurer_lvl2_shin_r
    • c_p_adventurer_lvl2_shin_r_a
    • c_p_adventurer_lvl2_shin_r_s
    • c_p_adventurer_lvl2_shin_r_t
    • c_p_adventurer_lvl2_shoulder_l
    • c_p_adventurer_lvl2_shoulder_l_a
    • c_p_adventurer_lvl2_shoulder_l_s
    • c_p_adventurer_lvl2_shoulder_l_t
    • c_p_adventurer_lvl2_shoulder_r
    • c_p_adventurer_lvl2_shoulder_r_a
    • c_p_adventurer_lvl2_shoulder_r_s
    • c_p_adventurer_lvl2_shoulder_r_t
    • c_p_adventurer_lvl2_thigh_l
    • c_p_adventurer_lvl2_thigh_l_a
    • c_p_adventurer_lvl2_thigh_l_s
    • c_p_adventurer_lvl2_thigh_l_t
    • c_p_adventurer_lvl2_thigh_r
    • c_p_adventurer_lvl2_thigh_r_a
    • c_p_adventurer_lvl2_thigh_r_s
    • c_p_adventurer_lvl2_thigh_r_t
    • c_p_adventurer_lvl2_torso
    • c_p_adventurer_lvl2_torso_a
    • c_p_adventurer_lvl2_torso_s
    • c_p_adventurer_lvl2_torso_t
    • equipment_helm_shadow_gold
    • equipment_helm_shadow_gold_a
    • equipment_helm_shadow_gold_s
    • equipment_helm_shadow_gold_t
    • equipment_weapon_1h_axe_dragon_winter_2015
    • equipment_weapon_1h_axe_dragon_winter_2015_a
    • equipment_weapon_1h_axe_dragon_winter_2015_s
    • equipment_weapon_1h_axe_dragon_winter_2015_t
    • equipment_weapon_bow_dragon_winter_2015
    • equipment_weapon_bow_dragon_winter_2015_a
    • equipment_weapon_bow_dragon_winter_2015_s
    • equipment_weapon_bow_dragon_winter_2015_t
  • pkfx 10+
    • character_pc_adventurer_ability_basic_arrow_impact_01
    • character_pc_adventurer_ability_basic_arrow_projectile_01
    • character_pc_adventurer_ability_basic_arrow_shoot_01
    • character_pc_adventurer_ability_basic_sword_aoe_01
    • character_pc_adventurer_ability_basic_sword_impact_01
    • character_pc_adventurer_ability_basic_sword_trail_01
    • character_pc_adventurer_ability_bomb_explosion_01
    • character_pc_adventurer_ability_bomb_fuse_01
    • character_pc_adventurer_ability_bomb_projectile_01
    • character_pc_adventurer_ability_randomthrow_explosion_01

Winter Dragon Sword

Winter Dragon Bow


Lvl 10 Boomerranger Costume

Info Extra information for this mod.

Created: March 31, 2017

Type: TMOD

Originality: Inspired Work

Trovesaurus Views: 4,043

Downloads: 432

Inspired Work

This idea or design of this mod has been inspired by something else.

Has VFX changes

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