Chompers, the Land Shark Not Submitted

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that's really cool. but i don't have that mount. can you change it?

Unfortunately I can't, that's the only mount of its kind. It's one unique mount.

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Quick TMOD

TMOD MetadataShow

Author: SkyTheVirus

Notes: A land shark, what more do you want? Replaces Aquilia the Furred.

Mod FilesShow

  • blueprint 12+
    • c_mt_platypus_fae_body_01
    • c_mt_platypus_fae_body_02
    • c_mt_platypus_fae_body_03
    • c_mt_platypus_fae_foot_bl
    • c_mt_platypus_fae_foot_br
    • c_mt_platypus_fae_foot_fl
    • c_mt_platypus_fae_foot_fr
    • c_mt_platypus_fae_head
    • c_mt_platypus_fae_jaw
    • c_mt_platypus_fae_tail_01
    • c_mt_platypus_fae_tail_02
    • c_mt_platypus_fae_ui[qoaleth]
  • png 1+
    • landshark_preview
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Info Extra information for this mod.

Created: December 8, 2016

Type: TMOD

Originality: Original Work

Trovesaurus Views: 4,420

Steam Workshop Views: 893

Downloads: 478

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