Shattered Pinatas Not Submitted

Mod Description

Replaces party pinatas with shattered pinatas

Versions Different versions of files for this mod.

Includes replacement model for the pinata and the mount

91.7 KB


Trovians from all over Trove became worried about the servershock. It needed to be stopped before more trouble was caused. Once surviving trovian scientist named Pin.ayy.tee, who lived in a treehouse in the jurrasic world, decided that thee best way to stop the servershock would be to trap it and its infections into something very very secure. He chose the oldest of the fancy boxes, something he thought would never ever be broken, THE PINATA! He successfully collected all the servershocked things in the world of trove and secured them inside party animal pinatas. Soon he found out even the great strength of the pinata couldnt withstand the infectious servershock it contained. Slowly the pinata started to loose all its colour replaced with the bland colours of the qubesly.... cracks started to form... shattering the surface of the pinata...but it stayed strong and survived despite the might of the server shock.

Soon after, Dr. Pin ayy tee realised all of these shattered pinatas had stopped the servershock and gave the remains out to his fellow trovians. Who insist on attacking the shattered pinata to death to obtain its contents, dispite the fact that it is already broken from its shattered state. Revealing the remains of the shattered servershock items to all trovians, in fear that one day, the fatal servershock, will return...

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TMOD MetadataShow

Author: AJ1AJ

Tags: Cosmetics,Mount

Notes: Its broken, yet you break it more... Replaces party animal and prancing pinata

Mod FilesShow

  • blueprint 17+
    • c_mt_pinata_body
    • c_mt_pinata_head
    • c_mt_pinata_l_foot_01
    • c_mt_pinata_l_foot_02
    • c_mt_pinata_neck
    • c_mt_pinata_r_foot_01
    • c_mt_pinata_r_foot_02
    • c_mt_pinata_tail
    • c_m_pinata_body_01
    • c_m_pinata_body_02
    • c_m_pinata_head
    • c_m_pinata_l_leg_01
    • c_m_pinata_l_leg_02
    • c_m_pinata_r_leg_01
    • c_m_pinata_r_leg_02
    • c_m_pinata_tail
    • c_m_pinata_ui
  • png 1+
    • spm
Info Extra information for this mod.

Created: November 13, 2016

Type: TMOD

Originality: Original Work

Trovesaurus Views: 2,463

Downloads: 218

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