Mod Accepted - This mod was accepted into the game 8 years ago
TMOD MetadataShow
Author: Evilagician
Tags: not found
Notes: The Jungle sage knows how to deal with dinosaurs
Mod FilesShow
- blueprint 24+
- c_p_ice_chunk_molten
- c_p_ice_mage_molten_cape_l_01
- c_p_ice_mage_molten_cape_l_02
- c_p_ice_mage_molten_cape_r_01
- c_p_ice_mage_molten_cape_r_02
- c_p_ice_mage_molten_hips
- c_p_ice_mage_molten_l_back_pole_01
- c_p_ice_mage_molten_l_back_pole_02
- c_p_ice_mage_molten_l_hand
- c_p_ice_mage_molten_l_shoulder
- c_p_ice_mage_molten_r_back_pole_01
- c_p_ice_mage_molten_r_back_pole_02
- c_p_ice_mage_molten_r_hand
- c_p_ice_mage_molten_r_shoulder
- c_p_ice_mage_molten_skirt_front_01
- c_p_ice_mage_molten_skirt_front_02
- c_p_ice_mage_molten_skirt_l_01
- c_p_ice_mage_molten_skirt_l_02
- c_p_ice_mage_molten_skirt_rear_01
- c_p_ice_mage_molten_skirt_rear_02
- c_p_ice_mage_molten_skirt_r_01
- c_p_ice_mage_molten_skirt_r_02
- c_p_ice_mage_molten_torso
- equipment_helm_icemage_molten[lippylapras]
- pkfx 14+
- character_pc_icemage_01moltenskin_ability_cooldown_ready_01
- character_pc_icemage_01moltenskin_ability_freezeblast_blast_01
- character_pc_icemage_01moltenskin_ability_freezeblast_detonate_01
- character_pc_icemage_01moltenskin_ability_freezeblast_snare_01
- character_pc_icemage_01moltenskin_ability_icicledrop_caster_01
- character_pc_icemage_01moltenskin_ability_icicledrop_impact_01
- character_pc_icemage_01moltenskin_ability_icicledrop_reticle_01
- character_pc_icemage_01moltenskin_ability_regularattack_impact_01
- character_pc_icemage_01moltenskin_ability_regularattack_muzzleflash_01
- character_pc_icemage_01moltenskin_ability_regularattack_projectile_01
- character_pc_icemage_01moltenskin_ability_regularattack_snare_01
- character_pc_icemage_01moltenskin_ability_shield_shield_01
- character_pc_icemage_01moltenskin_ambient_snowfall_01
- character_pc_icemage_gem_icicle_projectile_01
- png 1+
- jungle_sage
- Ice Sage Molten Costume
- Molten Headpiece by lippylapras
- Molten staff by lippylapras
- Default gemmed ice crash vfx
- almost all molten vfx
As of version 1.0 (10) all vfx has been replaced on the molten ice sage costume. I will probably redo some of them, but for now, all molten stuff is gone/recolored.
Created: September 15, 2016
Updated: October 11, 2016
Accepted: July 9, 2017
Type: TMOD
Original Work
Trovesaurus Views: 18,482
Steam Workshop Views: 1,649
Downloads: 1,132
Not visible on Trove Tools
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- Has already been accepted into game