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Sadly, this mod doesn't (hopefully, yet) support Crystal gear, and the author hasn't logged in for a while...

I still use it, though, because I like its VFX, but for a public modpack I'll probably switch to an another mod, which supports Crystal gear. =)

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If the stellar can be yellow like it's circle in inventory is and radiant is white like it's circle in inventory, I would use the mod. I just want them to be the same colour as their normal icon

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not on steam?

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I like it better than Novuhz's, because of the brighter beam, and better visibility due to bright+dark colors of the beam (vs dark ones in Novuhz's mod).

Personally, I farm fast, and can lose the loot if the "pick me" sign isn't bright enough to distinguish itself from surroundings. =)

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Quick ZIP

Mod FilesShow

  • pkfx 3+
    • item_loot_spawn_lvl_07
    • item_loot_spawn_lvl_08
    • item_loot_spawn_lvl_09
Info Extra information for this mod.

Created: July 17, 2016

Updated: July 24, 2016

Type: ZIP

Originality: Original Work

Trovesaurus Views: 31,924

Downloads: 16,934

Visible on TroveTools