Jul 14, 2016
20.41 MB
Changelog 1.6 (Square gauge version) :
-Fixed welcome stretched window
-Fixed corner stretched window
-Changed red X to blue on collection window
-Changed red X to blue on setting window and fixed stretched window
-Changed red X to blue on trade window
Jul 14, 2016
20.39 MB
Changelog 1.6b (Round gauge version) :
-Fixed welcome stretched window
-Fixed corner stretched window
-Changed red X to blue on collection window
-Changed red X to blue on setting window and fixed stretched window
-Changed red X to blue on trade window
Jul 9, 2016
19.74 MB
Changelog 1.5 ((Square gauge version) :
-Added Y window (collection) in neon theme.
-Fixed invisible Gift icon (bottom left)
-Added Gem karma Bar in C window
-Fixed wrong Sigil display
-Reworked Sigil color (mastery+PR)
-Fixed Club window (it was always show 0/XX logged on my side , idk you)
Jul 9, 2016
19.72 MB
Changelog 1.5.b (Round gauge version) :
-Added Y window (collection) in neon theme.
-Fixed invisible Gift icon (bottom left)
-Added Gem karma Bar in C window
-Fixed wrong Sigil display
-Reworked Sigil color (mastery+PR)
-Fixed Club window (it was always show 0/XX logged on my side , idk you)
Jun 13, 2016
18.55 MB
Changelog 1.4 (Square gauge version) :
-Fixed C window tabs (gems/master/battle tabs , Finally !)
-Added mainmenu.swf with neon theme
-Addes shortcuttray.swf with neon theme (for controller)
Jun 13, 2016
18.53 MB
Changelog 1.4.b (Round gauge version) :
-Fixed C window tabs (gems/master/battle tabs , Finally !)
-Added mainmenu.swf with neon theme
-Addes shortcuttray.swf with neon theme (for controller)
Jun 6, 2016
17.8 MB
Changelog 1.3 (Square gauge version) :
-Replaced a yellow square in background (loading screen)
-Fixed buttons in cornerstone window
-Fixed buttons in friendpicker window (but not yet about about add button)
-Fixed buttons in crafting window
-Fixed buttons in likedworld window
-Fixed buttons in pvpscoreboard
-Fixed buttons in shop window
-Replaced some exit button from red to blue (not all yet)
Jun 6, 2016
17.78 MB
Changelog 1.3b (Round version) :
-Replaced a yellow square in background (loading screen)
-Fixed buttons in cornerstone window
-Fixed buttons in friendpicker window (but not yet about about add button)
-Fixed buttons in crafting window
-Fixed buttons in likedworld window
-Fixed buttons in pvpscoreboard
-Fixed buttons in shop window
-Replaced some exit button from red to blue (not all yet)
May 26, 2016
17.19 MB
(Rounded gauge version)
-Add Claim window
-Fix star/tome bars
May 26, 2016
17.39 MB
(Square gauge version)
-Add Claim window
-Fix star/tome bar
Mod FilesShow
- swf 54+
- background
- charcustomize
- charsheet
- claims
- clubpicker
- clubs
- collectionconsumeresult
- collections
- collectionsnew
- compass
- cornerstone
- crafting
- dropprompt
- epicpose
- escapewindow
- eulaui
- forge
- friendpicker
- friendslist
- gems
- goldenthread
- healthmeter
- hotbar
- inputpromptui
- inventory
- kiwistore
- leaderboard
- likedworlds
- lockbox
- loginui
- mainmenu
- map
- marketplace
- messagedialog
- navigationmenu
- npcstore
- otherworlds
- playerexperience
- playerhud
- playerworlds
- pvpscorecard
- questlog
- questtracker
- recipeconsumeprompt
- reticle
- settings
- shadowtower
- shortcuttray
- starbar
- tooltip
- trade
- tutorial
- welcomescreen
- zonebanner
- png 2+
- trove_icon
- ui_mouse
It replace all (except if i've miss something) UI in game into a dark/neon theme , it also change the shape of HP/energy gauge for a squared area , but i've release a version with circle too (v1.6b)
Created: May 17, 2016
Updated: July 14, 2016
Type: ZIP
Original Work
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Downloads: 11,079
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