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Different versions of files for this mod.
Every mini dargon in one pack!
A miniature Khadavros, the Waiting Oblivion!
A miniature Lambent the Neolord!
A miniature Azorian the Blue!
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- blueprint 55+
- c_c_butterfly_abdomen
- c_c_butterfly_antenna_l
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- c_c_butterfly_head
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- c_c_butterfly_mothbrown_abdomen
- c_c_butterfly_mothbrown_abdomen_s
- c_c_butterfly_mothbrown_abdomen_t
- c_c_butterfly_mothbrown_antenna_l
- c_c_butterfly_mothbrown_antenna_r
- c_c_butterfly_mothbrown_head
- c_c_butterfly_mothbrown_head_s
- c_c_butterfly_mothbrown_head_t
- c_c_butterfly_mothbrown_proboscis_01
- c_c_butterfly_mothbrown_proboscis_02
- c_c_butterfly_mothbrown_proboscis_03
- c_c_butterfly_mothbrown_thorax
- c_c_butterfly_mothbrown_thorax_s
- c_c_butterfly_mothbrown_thorax_t
- c_c_butterfly_mothbrown_wing_l_01
- c_c_butterfly_mothbrown_wing_l_01_s
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- c_c_butterfly_mothbrown_wing_r_01
- c_c_butterfly_mothbrown_wing_r_01_s
- c_c_butterfly_mothbrown_wing_r_01_t
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- c_c_butterfly_mothwhite_abdomen
- c_c_butterfly_mothwhite_abdomen_t
- c_c_butterfly_mothwhite_antenna_l
- c_c_butterfly_mothwhite_antenna_r
- c_c_butterfly_mothwhite_head
- c_c_butterfly_mothwhite_head_t
- c_c_butterfly_mothwhite_proboscis_01
- c_c_butterfly_mothwhite_proboscis_02
- c_c_butterfly_mothwhite_proboscis_03
- c_c_butterfly_mothwhite_thorax
- c_c_butterfly_mothwhite_thorax_t
- c_c_butterfly_mothwhite_wing_l_01
- c_c_butterfly_mothwhite_wing_l_02
- c_c_butterfly_mothwhite_wing_r_01
- c_c_butterfly_mothwhite_wing_r_02
- c_c_butterfly_proboscis_01
- c_c_butterfly_proboscis_02
- c_c_butterfly_proboscis_03
- c_c_butterfly_thorax
- c_c_butterfly_wing_l_01
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- c_c_butterfly_wing_r_01
- c_c_butterfly_wing_r_01a
- c_c_butterfly_wing_r_01_t
- c_c_butterfly_wing_r_02
Extra information for this mod.
Created: February 10, 2016
Type: ZIP
Original Work
Trovesaurus Views: 5,603
Downloads: 1,170
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