This is an older mod with no author set, contact us if this was yours.
Nov 28, 2015
9.79 KB
Darkened the chest armor and changed spartan shield with a roman scutum (tower shield) since I was told that we cant use letters for an item (I placed the T Trove sign instead of the iconic ^ sign for the spartan shields)
Nov 28, 2015
10.11 KB
This replaces the lvl 10 Revenant Costume and the Sparring Spear. The helmet changes the infinidome :)
Nov 28, 2015
12.93 KB
This replaces the lvl 10 Revenant Costume and the Sparring Spear. The helmet changes the infinidome :)
This V1 G Edition is specially made by special request of my Brother :)
Official version will be uploaded shortly
Mod FilesShow
- blueprint 26+
- c_p_spirit_tank_lvl2_cape_bot
- c_p_spirit_tank_lvl2_cape_bot_c
- c_p_spirit_tank_lvl2_cape_bot_l
- c_p_spirit_tank_lvl2_cape_bot_r
- c_p_spirit_tank_lvl2_cape_mid
- c_p_spirit_tank_lvl2_cape_top_c
- c_p_spirit_tank_lvl2_Elbow_l
- c_p_spirit_tank_lvl2_Elbow_r
- c_p_spirit_tank_lvl2_foot_l
- c_p_spirit_tank_lvl2_foot_r
- c_p_spirit_tank_lvl2_hand_l
- c_p_spirit_tank_lvl2_hand_r
- c_p_spirit_tank_lvl2_hips
- c_p_spirit_tank_lvl2_shield
- c_p_spirit_tank_lvl2_shin_l
- c_p_spirit_tank_lvl2_shin_r
- c_p_spirit_tank_lvl2_shoulder_l
- c_p_spirit_tank_lvl2_Shoulder_r
- c_p_spirit_tank_lvl2_skirt_b
- c_p_spirit_tank_lvl2_skirt_fl
- c_p_spirit_tank_lvl2_skirt_fr
- c_p_spirit_tank_lvl2_skirt_l
- c_p_spirit_tank_lvl2_skirt_r
- c_p_spirit_tank_lvl2_torso
- equipment_helm_shadow_gold
- equipment_weapon_spear_starter
Created: November 27, 2015
Type: ZIP
Original Work
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Downloads: 430
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