This is an older mod with no author set, contact us if this was yours.
Mod Packs
This mod has been included in the following mod packs.
Mod FilesShow
- blueprint 24+
- c_p_ice_chunk
- C_P_ice_mage_cape_L_01
- C_P_ice_mage_cape_L_02
- C_P_ice_mage_cape_R_01
- C_P_ice_mage_cape_R_02
- C_P_ice_mage_hips
- C_P_ice_mage_L_back_pole_01
- C_P_ice_mage_L_back_pole_02
- C_P_ice_mage_L_hand
- C_P_ice_mage_L_shoulder
- C_P_ice_mage_R_back_pole_01
- C_P_ice_mage_R_back_pole_02
- C_P_ice_mage_R_hand
- C_P_ice_mage_R_shoulder
- C_P_ice_mage_skirt_front_01
- C_P_ice_mage_skirt_front_02
- C_P_ice_mage_skirt_L_01
- C_P_ice_mage_skirt_L_02
- C_P_ice_mage_skirt_rear_01
- C_P_ice_mage_skirt_rear_02
- C_P_ice_mage_skirt_R_01
- C_P_ice_mage_skirt_R_02
- C_P_ice_mage_torso
- equipment_helm_winter_001
- pkfx 13+
- character_pc_iceMage_ability_cooldown_ready_01
- character_pc_iceMage_ability_freezeBlast_blast_01
- character_pc_iceMage_ability_freezeBlast_detonate_01
- character_pc_iceMage_ability_freezeBlast_snare_01
- character_pc_iceMage_ability_icicleDrop_caster_01
- character_pc_iceMage_ability_icicleDrop_impact_01
- character_pc_iceMage_ability_icicleDrop_reticle_01
- character_pc_iceMage_ability_regularAttack_impact_01
- character_pc_iceMage_ability_regularAttack_muzzleFlash_01
- character_pc_iceMage_ability_regularAttack_projectile_01
- character_pc_iceMage_ability_regularAttack_snare_01
- character_pc_iceMage_ability_shield_shield_01
- character_pc_iceMage_ambient_snowfall_01
- pkml 2+
- bone_vfx_1
- bone_vfx_1
- pkmm 2+
- bone_vfx_1
- bone_vfx_1
- dds 1+
- ghost_scare_1
- fbx 1+
- bone_vfx_1
- pkcf 1+
- bone_vfx_1
- Base Ice Sage Costume
- Shaggy Yeti hat style
Extra information for this mod.
Created: October 7, 2015
Type: ZIP
Original Work
Trovesaurus Views: 4,549
Downloads: 497
Not visible on Trove Tools
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