Different versions of files for this mod.
Changed the straps color... Changed the material maps, edited to fix clipping, and uhhh... The squirrels that have died in the vacuum of space due to a defective helmet containing a hole have all died for the cause of science. The new and improved helmet has proven sustainable in space! PROVEN!!!
Public Release (With Helmet)
Mod FilesShow
- blueprint 23+
- c_mt_sugarglider_grey_foot_bl
- c_mt_sugarglider_grey_foot_br
- c_mt_sugarglider_grey_foot_fl
- c_mt_sugarglider_grey_foot_fr
- c_mt_sugarglider_grey_head
- c_mt_sugarglider_grey_hips
- c_mt_sugarglider_grey_jaw
- c_mt_sugarglider_grey_leg_bl
- c_mt_sugarglider_grey_leg_br
- c_mt_sugarglider_grey_leg_fl
- c_mt_sugarglider_grey_leg_fr
- c_mt_sugarglider_grey_neck
- c_mt_sugarglider_grey_tail_01
- c_mt_sugarglider_grey_tail_02
- c_mt_sugarglider_grey_tail_03
- c_mt_sugarglider_grey_tail_04
- c_mt_sugarglider_grey_torso
- c_mt_sugarglider_grey_wing_l_01
- c_mt_sugarglider_grey_wing_l_02
- c_mt_sugarglider_grey_wing_l_03
- c_mt_sugarglider_grey_wing_r_01
- c_mt_sugarglider_grey_wing_r_02
- c_mt_sugarglider_grey_wing_r_03
Squeakers mount
Extra information for this mod.
Created: September 4, 2015
Type: ZIP
Originality: Original Work
Trovesaurus Views: 4,525
Downloads: 510
Visible on TroveTools