TMOD MetadataShow
Author: LaVulpe
Tags: Npc,Audio
Notes: This is Ducking Fumb. Replaces hit sfx with quacks and water drops when you defeat enemies. -- Special shoutout to Grainus for making this mod possible. Credit to Saltwater Sam for his help and use of his 'No More Annoying Sounds V1' mod as a template.
Mod FilesShow
- bnk 1+
- ui
Created: August 22, 2024
Type: TMOD
Inspired Work
Trovesaurus Views: 157,386
Downloads: 26,791
This idea or design of this mod has been inspired by something else.
Credit to Saltwater_Sam for his help and use of his 'No More Annoying Sounds V1' as a template. Big shoutout to Grainus for making this mod possible, without him I'd still be scratching me head. Thank you!
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