Different versions of files for this mod.
distance calculations should be accurate under the specified conditions in the description (hopefully)
-Number has been split in two to show horizontal and vertical distance separately replacing the previous one which was "diagonal"
-An indicator has been added that indicates if you are aligned with the block you are pointing at (mostly thought for those times that you don't really know if you're doing a straight line, now you do)
-An indicator has been added that indicates if you are aligned with the block you are pointing at (mostly thought for those times that you don't really know if you're doing a straight line, now you do)
Extra information for this mod.
Created: December 16, 2022
Updated: December 19, 2022
Type: TMOD
Originality: Original Work
Trovesaurus Views: 3,534
Downloads: 347
Visible on TroveTools