Better Tome Reminder V2 - 1080p

Out of Date - This mod has been marked as out of date on June 18, 2024. This is likely due to the original file being changed by the Trove Team, it is unlikely to continue working and the mod author will need to submit a new version.

Mod Description
Reskin of Ibot's "Better Tome Reminder" which itself is a remake of "Tome Reminder" by Fladder and TheSymbol.
Reminds you to change your legendary tome once it has been filled.

(Since this is my first attempt at modding, if anyone could please let me know how to center allign the sprite in swf, I'll update it to fit better on other sized screens. It still works, and is unobstructive, however, it's not as pretty :P)

Versions Different versions of files for this mod.

336.8 KB

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Quick TMOD

TMOD MetadataShow

Author: TheChapster

Tags: UI

Notes: Reminds you to change your legendary tome once it has been filled. Centered for 1080p at 1x Scale.

Mod FilesShow

  • png 1+
    • tomereplaceui
  • swf 1+
    • starbar
Info Extra information for this mod.

Created: October 3, 2022

Updated: November 8, 2022

Type: TMOD

Originality: Inspired Work

Trovesaurus Views: 4,225

Steam Workshop Views: 57

Downloads: 913

Inspired Work

This idea or design of this mod has been inspired by something else.

Ibot, Fladder, TheSymbol

Visible on TroveTools