
A list of the in-game merchants, where to find them, and what they offer.

Battle Broker

Found in the Hub at the Battle Building.

Bomber Royale Merchant

Found in the Hub at the Battle Building and in the Geode Hub at the Blastadium.

Club Decor Merchant

The Club Decor Merchant is found in the Clubs Tower in the Hub.

Club Merchant

Found in the Club Tower in the Hub, also found Found in Club Worlds which have placed the 클럽 행상인
[Travelling Club Merchant]
at Tier 1.

Club Merchant Prince

Found in Club Worlds which have placed the 클럽 행상인
[Travelling Club Merchant]
fixture and upgraded it to Tier 3.

Enterprising Novella

Spawns at the boss room of Delve Understacks and sells carpets and carpet tomes.

Mr. Thommas Tortoise

Sells items for Turtle Shells that are obtained by catching Turtles while fishing.

Found in the Fishing area of the Hub. Requires a specific node in the Fishing tree to see.

Radiant Merchant

Found in the Trove Hub next to the Sun Goddess statue.

Reliquary Merchant Thundros

Found in the Geode Hub and sells Reliquaries for Crystals.


Can be found in Delve building in the Hub.

Saltwater Sam

Found in the Hub and sells Fishing and Basic Boat supplies for Glim.

Starbert The Celestial's 2nd Cousin

Sells Astral Echoes for Despoiled Divinity.

Found at the top of the building of the Crafters Corner in the Hub.

The Celestial

The Celestial is seeking the newly discovered Astral Echoes for his own reasons. He’ll exchange these Astral Echoes for Celestial Spheres and a small amount of Constellation Keys.

He can be found on the upper level of the Crafter's Corner in the Hub.

Travelling Club Merchant

Found in Club Worlds which have placed the 클럽 행상인
[Travelling Club Merchant]
fixture and upgraded it to Tier 2.

Valor Grand Marshal Qubesly

Found in the Events area of the Hub during Splendid Summer events, sells event-related collectables for Valor Coins.

Weaver of Wonders

Found on Golden Boats in The Lost Isles of Adventure Worlds.